Starting from Coal Aston Village Hall (lower car park)
1. Turn right over the stile at the bottom of Birches Lane and follow the footpath which skirts the edge of the field and continues through the next two fields.
2. Where the footpath meets the bridleway, turn right to enter Cook Spring Wood. Follow the path with a stone wall to your left.
3. Where the wall ends, turn right down the path to a footbridge which leads into Owler Car Wood. Proceed uphill and where the path divides take the left fork. At the next junction turn left and then right to continue uphill to join the path along the top of the wood. Turn left and follow the path until it leaves the wood and crosses the next field to arrive at the ‘Rotary’ seat.
4. Continue along the top of the field to reach a stile by a metal field gate. Cross this stile and the next one to join the bridleway which leads uphill to Sicklebrook Farm.
5. Continue uphill past the farm and turn left over the stile by the next fingerpost. Go carefully down the steep field to cross a stile and a bridge to enter Pearson’s Wood.
6. Follow the path through the wood and across the next field, but stop short before reaching Troway Hall Farm and take the stile on the left, which crosses a wall and leads downhill through three fields to the bridge/ford over the Moss Brook.
7. Do not cross the brook, but turn left, cross Owler Car Lane and follow the path over two footbridges and along the field’s edge as it skirts the brook all the way to Dowey Lumb (a butterfly sanctuary). Turn right here, down the steps and over the footbridge before turning left along the other bank of the stream.
8. Cross two stiles and a footbridge to enter Cook Spring Wood. At the first fork in the path turn right and follow this track which leads out of the wood, around the edge of a field and into Nor Wood.
9. Follow the path until it meets the bridleway, at which point you should turn left through the gate and proceed uphill to join Cross Lane (path 34). Turn right until you reach the first fingerpost and then cross the stile on your left which leads to a diagonal path (path 35) across the next field. Cross the next stile and turn left.
10. At the kissing gate turn left again to return to Birches Lane and your original starting point.