About Us

Who are we?

We are a sociable group based in the Dronfield area who promote the proper use, preservation and maintenance of public rights of way in our locality. We now have over 110 members and run regular, all year round, guided walks.

our history

The Dronfield Footpaths & Bridleways Society was formed in 1989 by a group of local people who were concerned about the condition of footpaths in the area. The founding group felt that many pleasant and useful paths were under threat of closure through neglect and from the likelihood of building development.

The group wanted to save local footpaths and rights-of-way for all to enjoy, for both the present and the future. The Society has since considerably widened its membership (currently 105) and has translated this vision into reality. The Society can claim a very creditable list of achievements during the years since its formation.

Our activities

Members of The Dronfield Footpaths & Bridleways Society map, survey and assess the condition of footpaths in the Dronfield area. Using mainly voluntary labour, we undertake repairs to local footpaths and make improvements when they are needed, such as clearing overgrown branches and brambles, mending stiles, building steps into steep banks and waymarking paths.

We consult with Councils, local landowners, farmers, other societies concerned with rights-of-way and members of the wider public to keep our footpaths safe, useable and open to all.

We have developed a comprehensive guided walks programme which is designed to show people their local paths.

our aims

The Dronfield Footpaths & Bridleways Society aims to promote the proper use, preservation and maintenance of public rights-of-way on footpaths, bridleways and by-ways in the Parish of Dronfield.

how you can help

Many very worthwhile projects have been successfully completed, but we invariably have other projects ‘in the pipeline’.

We need new members and volunteers to join our working parties in clearing footpaths, repairing stiles, building steps and clearing overgrown vegetation. These working parties are good fun and provide fresh air and healthy exercise for free with the bonus of a satisfying job completed at the end of it. We also need members who are willing to walk paths from time to time and give a report as to their condition.

We also welcome those members whose principal interest is participation in the organised walks. However if you are not able to be actively involved in these ways indicated, your subscription and ‘moral support’ will still be most helpful to The Society and your membership will be equally appreciated.