Burbage and the Longshaw Estate (25th June 2024)

Thirteen members of the group met at Fox House on a warm and humid Tuesday morning. We set off heading up the road but kept straight ahead on Houndkirk Road when the main road turned to the right. The scenary was superb on this section of the walk with views over to the distant moors. We looped round to join the Sheffield Country Walk before crossing over the A6187 close to Toad’s Mouth. We then followed Burbage Brook and after a short time we stopped for our coffee break, making good use of the nearby rocks.

After our break we headed uphill to the ice cream van which proved too tempting to miss for many of us. Very good value only £2 for a cone and flake. We continued on to enter the Longshaw estate and followed good paths until we reached a signpost pointing in four directions. At this point our walk leaders gave us a choice of three options for the remainder of the walk. Continue on the advertised walk towards the Grouse Inn, shorten the walk by heading directly to the Wooden Pole car park or take the shortest route back to Fox House. Owing to the strength sapping heat, option 2 won out. After reaching the Wooden Pole car park we took the track along the top of the estate back to our start point.

Despite, taking the shorter route, the walk still came out at 4.75 miles on my GPS device.

Thanks very much to Joe and Chris for leading us on this very enjoyable walk. It proved very handy to have multiple options for modifying the walk along the way. These would have been equally useful if the walk had been done in very poor weather.