Thirteen people and one dog gathered in Holmesfield Village Hall car park in readiness for a 5.5 mile walk led by Nicola and Julie.
The first stage of the walk followed the route of the GHB Ward memorial walk, through Holmesfield Park Wood and along Fanshawe Gate Lane, but unlike Ward’s memorial walk we took a path downhill towards Gillfield Wood after passing Storth House. On this occasion we didn’t see the deer In the fields between Moorwood Lane and the woods but the wonderful views towards Totley and the Moors beyond more than compensated. The path through Gillfield Wood emerged onto the Baslow road by the bus turn-around point and after crossing the road and a small brook we arrived at our lunch spot by the cricket pavilion just before the Cricket Inn pub. For some this was an early lunch but for others it was a nice sit down and a cuppa. Thanks to Nicola for the “waves” chocolate crisps (other forms of confectionary are available)
With a spring in our step now, we made good progress up the hills and back to Fanshawe Gate lane. As we approached our start and end point, a few spots of rain started to fall – perfect timing.
Many thanks to Nicola and Julie for leading the walk.