Our final Thursday evening walk was led by Graham. Here’s what he had to say about the evening.
With the diminishing daylight in August, for our last Thursday evening walk on the summer programme we repeated our Pie and Peas walk from last year from Troway Hall Farm. Graham Gill led 36 members on a 3 mile walk from the farmyard taking in Doe Lane Bridleway, Ryalls Wood Stepping Stones, Geer Lane, Birleyhay and Fold Farm. We returned by 8.30pm for some excellent Pie and Peas, with Vegetable Lasagne or Gluten Free Burger options which was followed by a John Ellis themed quiz.
Having based last year’s quiz on Shoes and Footware, this time John chose Hats and Hairstyles. Graham and John were thanked for their efforts in making the evening a great event. Our thanks were also extended to Francesca and her team at the Troway Hall Farm for their hospitality, lovely food and a really enjoyable evening.