Holmesfield Circular (20th July 2023)

Eighteen walkers met in the top car park of Dronfield Woodhouse Sports and Social Club for a 4 mile walk led by Vanessa and David. During a week of unsettled weather we were fortunate to have a good prediction of sunny intervals and no rain for the evening’s walk.

We worked our way through the estate to Northern Common and took the path that leads through Moorview farm. Although we did meet up with some inquisitive cows they didn’t cause any problems. We were now on the Dronfield Rotary Barn walk heading for Holmesfield woods. After passing through the woods we stopped to admire the well dressing and the smartly dressed scarecrow in the Millennium Garden. As we crossed the main road heading for Cartledge we reflected on how nice was that Holmesfield still has a strong sense of community.

After crossing Cowley Lane we were on the final stretch of the walk. We skirted Kitchen wood to emerge on Melbourne Avenue and in a few minutes we were back at the club where around half of our number popped in for a drink and chip butties, which were very much appreciated.

Thanks to Vanessa and David for leading us on the walk and for organising the chip butties!