Tuesday 10th December: A Richard Armstrong walk.
Richard arrived at St Andrews, and by the sounds of him, was hoping that the assembed group of booted folks was going to chicken out, and head back home to watch Homes under the Hammer, or other such televised nonsense. Not the case: we , the 9 of us, headed off via Sindelfingen, TellyTubby land, Cartledge, via some very muddy patches, up the hills to Holmesfield where we stopped for a break. Reticence again set in, and he offered us the chance to take a short cut back to the start. He was met with no enthusiasm for this option, and had to lead us through the woods to arrive at Northen Common, across more fields and muddy tracks, even encountering a seesaw style, before walking along Gosforth fields, and back to St Andrews, some 5 and a half miles, and two and a half hours later. A really nice bracing walk, none of the expected rain, but just good company, with the walk broken by some interesting local snippets of info.