Saturday 16th November: “Not really a Pub Crawl Wellie Walk”
A dozen of us set out from the Big Lay and headed off up Half Acre Lane, the first stop was to wonder at the New Unstone Sink Hole. We were thwarted by a sea of impassable mud near the International Airport, but managed to make our way eventually arriving at Troway, where some went to Ward’s Caff, and some of us to The Gate. After a break, we trekked along Sting and Scratch Alley, which was more like a motorway, to arrive via the muddy bridletrack at the Travs at Apperknowle. Following a nice lunch, we wandered back to our cars and home, a couple of us via the Drone Valley Brewery. Thanks to Graham for more pics, the ones with captions, and these words..”Fungi were Fairies Bonnets, Spotted Tough Shank and Candlesnuff” He didn’t mention the Iron Funghi he found on a tree trunk!
Oh, the bent nail on the post is the one I ripped my coat on…