Part of the round walk (24th August 2019)

Saturday 24th August

A merry band of 19 walkers left the Farwater Lane carpark at 10am on Saturday 24th August for a circular walk incorporating a large section of our adopted section of the round Dronfield walk.

The weather was grand if a little too warm towards the end. After some urban walking up to Pighills Lane we were then on to our section of the Round walk as far as Barnes Avenue where we made our way towards the Leabrook Valley via the sports fields.

Joe gave us a talk about the development and aspirations for the whole wetland area. Very interesting. They are always looking out for new volunteers to help keep this area a wild habitat for a large variety of Flora and Fauna.

Arrival back at Farwater Lane was about 12-45!

Report and pic thanks to Karen Brightmore