Woodthorpe and Cartledge (17th April 2019)

David Blackburn’s Walk, Tuesday 17th April:

21 of us set off for a 5.5 milewalk from Gorsey Brigg this morning. Almost immediately we paused in Sindlefingen Park and had a look at the European Union Tree Circle. This was planted in 1992 to celebrate European unity  following the signing of the Maastricht Treaty – how times have changed !!!. 12 trees were planted – one for each country in the EU at that time and the beacon was lit. On into Kitchen Wood , where the bluebells are coming into bloom

 Our route then took us over the field by the former Dronfield Woodhouse chapel, where we continued past the bright yellow field of daffodils – few of our group knew we had a commercial bulb grower locally. As we dropped  down the hill on our way to Woodthorpe, one of the group showed us the repaired gate and refurbished flight of steps he had helped with recently , as part of the small team  that’s caring for the Dronfield Barn Rotary Walk. Full marks for that team!

 Over the county boundary and into Gillfield Wood, where there were masses of white wood anemones- though bluebells hardly showing yet round there.  After a coffee break we climbed up the hill to Fanshawe Gate Hall, where substantial  renovation work on the ancient  cruck barn was in full swing. Then along the road and up to the edge of Holmesfield , over the fields to Cartledge and back to Dronfield.

Photos thanks to Graham Gill: