Frith Wood and Summerley (10th September 2018)

Tuesday 10th September, 6 intrepids set off from the big layby at 10am, via Half Acre Lane, Metapic Woods, Callywhite Lane, Frith, or Firth Wood, up to Summerley, along to Apperknowle, over to Unstone, and back along the boardwalk to the big layby.

Another group had set off half an hour earlier, a similar size, but had not looked at the programme before setting out to see they were ‘twerlies’. They thought it was a 09.30 start! Setting off on a similar route, from Unstone, followed the new path around the Peak Resort, up to Ouzle Bank, down past Unstone Hall, and back to the big layby. We all met up, had a chat and a laugh, and went on our separate ways!