Most walks leaders recce the walks they are organising a day or two before, then we are prepared to face various obstacles that may have cropped up. For instance, this stile was trimmed extensively the day before a walk I had planned. Imagine what it was like before!
It has been brought to our attention that Border View Farm has some horses which have a disease call ‘Strangles’. If left unchecked it can be spread very easily by walkers coming from one farm to the other and patting or feeding the horses at Stubley Hollow Livery. Therefore we would ask that if you have to walk this way would you please refrain from touching or feeding any of the horses belonging to Stubley Hollow Livery. ( They are hoping to get some signs up ASAP) The owners are new to Dronfield and I would like to think that as responsible walkers we would be extremely careful and hope to welcome the owners into our community.