Cowley and Holmesfield (19th January 2016)

Walk Report – 19 Jan. 2016 by Richard Armstrong

Start Point – St. Andrews Church – 10.00am
Route – Across the park: Towards Cowley Lane by Cowley Hall Farm; Over the Lane and left turn on field paths to Cartledge; more field paths to Holmesfield Church; Through Holmesfield Park Wood; over the stream and up the very soggy field to a junction of footpaths; Right turn towards Pearsons Farm and Holmesfield Road; Return to St.Andrews via Carr Lane and Wentworth Road.
Return at 12.30
Terrain – Undulating, with a number of short climbs. Unsurprisingly, the tracks and paths were wet and soggy with some very muddy sections
Numbers – 17
People seemed to enjoy the walk and notice was given of the next 5 walks