Thursday 13th August: Graham Gill led a smaller than usual group: 19; starting at the car park behind the village hall in Coal Aston. Fewer probably, due to the rain we were expecting! As it turned out, we had only a couple of spots which did not even damp the dust. Graham led us on a shorter walk than originally planned, over towards Hazelbarrow.
Some very interesting funghii spotted on a fallen tree, 5 varieties!

Buzzards made their presence known by the screeching that reminded me of the seagulls at Whitby they were so loud! We saw at least 4 flying overhead for most of our walk. Heading back to the car park, I am sure, really sure, that I saw a small Muntjac deer running across, followed by a hare. Maybe it was a couple of hares, I prefer the deer version though.